Friday, April 10, 2009


So, I have been asked and asked multiple times when it is I am going to update my blog. Honestly, I haven't been on here in I don't even know how long, I can't believe my last past was at the beginning of December! WOW! And, my last post was about a "bad mommy moment". We can't leave it at that so I promise, on my honor, I will update soon, very soon. Now, I'm a bit overwhelmed at all of the things I have not posted about that I need to. Not sure if I will do some of those or just start from here and try to be better. Dad is going back to the Middle East at the end of the month so that will be good motivation. Really, I didn't even know people read it so thank you for caring about this Wyatt clan and for keeping me accountable. I know in the end, even though it's hard to get to sometimes, I will be happy I kept up with it. Love you all and I'll be back soon!!


Kris said...

Yay:) I am so excited you are back! I check ALL the time and really DO care. Can't wait to see what is next.