Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Really, no more thumb!!

So my previous post was about Jacob deciding to give up thumb sucking. I wrote it with some hesitation, thumb sucking is suppose to be a hard habit to break. Not for Jake! Once he decided he was done, he was really done! Even when he's asleep, that thumb never goes in his mouth. I am so impressed and have decided, from looking back at big milestones in Jacob's 4 years of life, that once he decides to do something, he does it and does it full on. He did it with walking, he did it with potty-training he's done it with the thumb sucking. We can ask and push and talk about it but he won't do something until he's ready and when he does that's that, there's no looking back. So, I guess we can say good-bye to the thumb, it was a good friend while it was here but Jake's a big boy now and doesn't need it anymore!
Oh, but don't think that let Dr. Y off the hook. No, no, when you tell Jacob you're gonna do something you better do it! We called like we said we would when he first said he was ready to be done. They couldn't get us in for the appointment for a few weeks, which ended up being yesterday. I was worried that Jake would give up and not be excited to do it anymore in that time but as I said, he quit. So we went to our appointment yesterday as planned and as promised. Dr. Y talked to Jake and gave him this whole plan of attack that we have to do for the next week. Jacob listened very intently like he was still needing this process to stop and needed to know how to do it. So, we left, with the whole hoopla of thumb sucking gadgets in tow. Jake is excited to still do it and Dr. Y has done a fabulous job entertaining him with it (he put a whole thing together and he is having Jake call him every night for a week! He's awesome!) although we all know he's over it!


Kris said...

Tiff, that is so AWESOME! What a smart little boy you have. The new picture of them is fantastic. I love reading your updates.

Tarah said...

What an adorable picture of you boys! They are so sweet! That is so great that he stopped so easily! I hope it is so with my little one-she is a thumb-sucker too! What happened to the bear?

Tiffany said...

Thanks guys!!
Tarah, I can say that we were really lucky in that Jake didn't really suck his thumb unless he was really tired and/or had his Teddy. It wasn't a major habit he had. You know, he wasn't walking around with his thumb in his mouth all day long. He still has Teddy, but he doesn't need him like he use to. He'll sleep with him if he's there and that's about it. I think Teddy will always be around even if that means being in the baby box of important things, he's been such a big part of Jake that I don't think I could ever throw him away!