Thursday, September 25, 2008

"F" is for Fuzzy

Each week at Jacob's school they have a new letter of the week. On Wednesdays the children are able to bring in a "show and tell" that starts with the specific letter of that week. This week was "F" week. So, on Tuesday Jake and I were talking about what he could take the next day that started with the letter "F". We were having a hard time doing this for some reason. He had planned on taking a frog that is a part of a game he has at Mammy's house but he lost it. He was trying to think of something and much to his dismay most of the items did not actually start with the letter "F". Then he says "I know Mommy, I can take my teddy!" He holds him up very proudly. "Well, honey, I say, "that's a good idea but teddy starts with t-t-t (this was me sounding out the letter "T" for him) T." His response was priceless and might I add truly genius, "yes Mommy but he is fuzzy and fuzzy starts with the letter "F"!" Now, how is a mom suppose to argue with that kind of reasoning and logic! Brilliant!