Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our Forth of July Weekend...

We had a great Forth of July weekend this year! On the morning of the 4th we were invited to our friends, The Hebert's, who have a neighborhood parade with the kids, pets, firetrucks, etc. We went to their house to start the morning with some breakfast snacks and decorating the bikes, strollers and anything else that would get us to the park for the festivities. It was great fun and so wonderful to the the American spirit showing through. The other Wyatt's were there as well so it was nice to see family on such a great day. Once we got to the park there was a watermelon eating contest, face painting, cookie decorating, 4th of July tattoos (temporary of course!), Popsicles and lots of yummy stuff to eat and drink. Everyone was in their red, white and blue having a great time! Thanks Hebert Family for inviting us to such a great American event, we had an awesome time!!!

Jake was so excited after his nap to go to the "tent" and buy some fireworks. He had been seeing those tents all over town and just wanted to go inside. Finally he was able to and he was so excited. That night we decided to stay home with the four of us and do our own fireworks. We put Chase down at his normal bedtime and waited for it to be dark enough to do fireworks with Jake. He was having so much fun. You forget how exciting just the basic fireworks are to a child. He was in Heaven and looked on with amazment! It was sweet and brought back a lot of childhood memories. I didn't get any pictures of that night unfortnately, our flash wasn't working but we got lots of video with was fun.

Jeff's cousin David and his wife, Savanah, were in town and on Saturday morning we had a great visit with them up at Linda's house. Jay and Han and the kids were there so it was a nice excuse to see our niece and nephew again too! And of course Aunt Ash who is always a kid favorite!! The kids got to swim (thanks Savanah for braving the pool with them!) and we all got to relax and be in good company and great conversation.